about MUZENZA group
‘Grupo Muzenza de Capoeira’ was founded on the 5th of May 1972 by Paulo Sergio da Silva (Mestre Paulao), who came from Mintirinha’s (Luis Americo da Silva) group Capoarte de Obaluae.
In October 1975, Mestre Burgues (Antonio Carlos de Menezes) arrived at Curitiba – Parana. Having taught in the neighbourhoods of Meier and Madureira in Rio de Janeiro, Mestre Burgues decided to create a new branch of Grupo Muzenza in the south of Brazil, establishing and developing a methodology and philosophy of his own, he turned to the roots of Capoeira and began by teaching amongst economically disadvantaged communities in clubs schools and academies.
Grupo Muzenza has been presided over by Mestre Burgues since 1975
” Capoeira is Capoeira. So that you can understand this definition better, you must live it” Mestre Burgues
Capoeira Muzenza group philosophy
Grupo Muzenza’s main purpose is to spread Capoeira, propagating its technical, philosophical and educational aspects as a form of cultural expression, a fight, a vocation and way of life. We continually emphasise the value of past Capoeira masters as respected representatives of this truly Brazilian cultural expression.
Grupo Muzenza aims to contribute to the formation of new Capoeira professionals, though training based on respect, discipline, socialisation and freedom of expression as a world citizen.
We aim to instil development of character, dignity and personal courage into our students and try to pass Capoeira on to the group’s followers, as a combative art as well as a manifestation of freedom and tradition. We believe in the importance of independent research, through which an individual may cultivate respect for the styles of Regional and Angola, reverence for the role of Capoeira master and a desire to preserve of the art of Capoeira.